The VRC high-density Microelectrode Array setup (Multi Channel Systems GmbH, Germany), or MEA, allows simultaneous in vitro extracellular recording from multiple locations in the sample. It is located at 124 Anatomy-Chemistry Building.
Click here to sign up for the room, via the Rig Room Booking System.
The MEA setup includes:
- Recording chamber with the electrode array
- Perfusion system with temperature control and oxygenation capabilities
- Recording system (low noise amplifiers and custom built data acquisition software)
- Light stimulation system
MEA Layout:
- Number of recording fields: 2
- Number of electrodes in a field: 30
- Electrode layout: rectangular grid
- Electrode diameter: 10 micrometer
- Distance between electrodes: 30 micrometer
- Internal reference electrode
Stimulation system:
- full-field flashes at user-defined intervals
- full-field flicker at a specified contrast
- white noise checkerboards.
- We also have the capability to present custom-generated monochromatic stimuli from a user-supplied MATLAB file. Stimuli that we have used in the past include full-field flicker with values drawn from naturalistic distributions, correlated noise, and drifting bars.